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面议 珠海金湾区 应届毕业生 学历不限
中海福陆重工有限公司 2024-09-27 16:45:04
面议 珠海金湾区 应届毕业生 学历不限
中海福陆重工有限公司 2024-09-27 16:45:04
岗位职责:1、承担结构详细设计及加工设计工作,负责重大的技术文件的审核工作,负责重要图纸和方案的审核及审定工作。Responsible for detail design and shop design work, review of major technical documents, review and approval important drawings and plans.2、参与海洋平台、LNG模块、船体、模块化工厂、海上风机基础等能源化工类装备项目加工设计工作Participate in the offshore platform, LNG module, hull, Modular chemical plant, Offshore Wind Turbine Foundation, and other energy and petrochemical equipment project shop design work.3、负责结构详细设计或加工设计中涉及的计算分析校核工作,审核及审定相关施工方案Responsible for detail design work, calculation and analysis works,review and approval construction plans4、负责审核项目相关重大技术方案Responsible for review of major technical documents5、负责重要图纸和方案的审核及审定工作;Responsible for review and approval of important drawings and plans6、根据工作安排,制定工作计划和工作内容,并按进度要求具体实施According to the work arrangement, work out the work plan and work content, and implement them according to the schedule requirements7、负责项目的本专业组织和协调工作,协调专业的接口、界面和专业冲突Responsible for organization and coordination of some projects, such as the interface and professional conflicts8、负责本专业的业务建设及科研工作、新工艺、新设备的开发和推广Responsible for the team building, scientific research work and the development of new technology, new equipment.9、负责组织专业各类科技奖项的申报工作Responsible for organizing the application of various scientific and Technological Awards10、负责组织开展公司内外部技术交流活动Responsible for organize and carry out internal and external technical exchange activities of the company11、完成领导交办的其它工作Complete the temporary work arranged by leader岗位要求:1、大学本科及以上Bachelor degree or above2、船舶与海洋工程类, 土木工程,力学及其他相关专业Ship and ocean engineering, Civil engineering, mechanics and Other related majors Professional qualification certificate3、熟练掌握本专业的相关知识以及软件使用知识Familiar with the professional knowledge and the related software. 熟悉ANSYS,SACS等结构力学相关有限元分析计算软件及Tekla, Solidworks等三维建模软件Familiar with the finite element analysis software about structural mechanics, such as ANSYS, SACS, etc. familiar with the 3D modeling software, such as Tekla, Solidworks, etc4、14年及以上相关工作经验14 years or above related working experience5、精通本专业的相关知识,如结构力学、材料力学Proficient the professional knowledge, such as the structural mechanics, mechanics of materials.6、具备专业学科带头人水平at the level of professional discipline leader7、能够解决生产和技术领域重大技术疑难问题,给企业创造一定经济效益。can solve major technical problems in the field of production and technology and created certain economic benefits to the company8、能独立开展工作。Able to work independently9、熟练掌握本专业相关知识和技能,并有效指导较低级别专业人员开展工作。Master the relevant knowledge and skills of this profession, and effectively guide the lower level professionals10、具备带领团队开展本专业相关工作的能力。have the ability to lead a team to carry out related work in this profession11、具备带领团队开展科研的能力。Have ability to lead the team to carry out scientific resea 职能类别:结构工程师
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