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Project Operation Eng,EHS(WD30211549) (职位编号:406494
面议 西安雁塔区 应届毕业生 本科
江森自控(中国)投资有限公司 2024-09-25 23:30:40
Project Operation Eng,EHS(WD30211549) (职位编号:406494
面议 西安雁塔区 应届毕业生 本科
江森自控(中国)投资有限公司 2024-09-25 23:30:40
Working with the area business leadership and part-time EHS team to implement
EHS strategies and actively drive key initiatives to reinforce Zero Harm
efforts in region.与区域业务管理层和兼职EHS团队合作,实施EHS战略,积极推动关键举措,加强区域内的零伤害工作。 Monitors and
measures compliance with legal standards and establish effective follow up
procedures to ensure any risks are addressed.
监督和衡量对法律标准的遵守情况,并制定有效的后续程序,以确保任何风险的解决。 Plan and implement the EHS program to
optimize the management, improve all service EHS performance.
策划并实施EHS管理方案以优化EHS管理,提升服务现场EHS绩效; Inspect and evaluate the HSE situation at
customer site, stop the related activity and report to site manager in case of
any severe violation
identified.检查并评估公司团队在客户现场的安全工作状况,发现严重隐患和违章,有权停止作业,并立即报告上级领导处理; Assist project
manager to develop and review the site HSE plan, Support Sales team to meet the
audit and requirements from
customers.协助客户现场经理编制或审核项目安全生产工作计划,支持销售团队满足客户的EHS审核和相关要求; Implement and coach
the Job Environment Safety Analysis for all related activities
指导所有相关活动中的工作安全环境分析(JESA),并跟踪检查落实情况 Assist the site team to assess, monitor and
control the high risk activities for the site operations
协助现场团队对在建项目中存在的危险性较大的分部分项工程进行现场指导、重点监管和过程控制; Coordinate to develop the safety
training material and deliver the training to site organizations, promote the
HSE management for the site team to fulfill the requirement and global HSE
Develop the HSE reports and report to customer编制工作总结,及时上报各类安全报表。 Report and
investigate the incident at customer site, implement and follow up the
corrective actions及时上报并调查安全事故,跟踪并实施纠正预防措施。
Primary Duties:
对现场服务业务和工厂提供EHS管理支持和定期审核Provide EHS support and conduct regular audits for the
EHS management of filed and manufacturing plants. Team player to support China
Region EHS programs团队合作,支持中国区EHS项目. Support China EHS team to ensure the
correct implementation and application of the system across all parts of the
business including certification to ISO 14001 and ISO 45001
支持EHS团队,确保该体系在业务的所有部分得到正确实施和应用,包括ISO 14001和ISO 4500的认证 Lead Area EHS committee
meetings and participate in management meetings.领导区域的安委会,参与业务管理层会议. Follow the
contractors’ processes and procedures to verify they meet the company’s EHS
standards and that their performance is measured against agreed
* Bachelor’s degree in Safety Engineering, Project Management or other
equivalent majors. 全日制大学本科及以上学历,安全工程、工程管理及相关专业。
* Minimum 5 years full time EHS experience with the management of
sub-contractors on site or new projects. Rich knowledge and experience on risk
control and risk mitigation for the non-standard work such as LOTO, JESA,
Permit to Work 5年以上专职EHS工作经历,有丰富的安全知识和技能,掌握上锁挂牌, 工作许可,
* Good understanding of customer site operations and contractor management
* Systematic thinking, familiar with the process-driven, good understanding
of ISO14001 and ISO45001系统性思维熟悉流程驱动,熟悉ISO14001和45001管理体系
* Strong organizational and communication skills including ability to manage
large number of disparate projects and to track projects through
* Good English written and reading, fluent verbal English communication is
preferred 良好的英文读写能力,可进行口语沟通更佳。
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